CERT Auxiliary of Santa Cruz County

About the CERT Auxiliary

The CERT Auxiliary is a public benefit 501(c)(3) corporation formed to support the Santa Cruz County CERT Council and other disaster service organizations in managing, funding, and developing CERT programs and activities in Santa Cruz County.

The Auxiliary Working Group meets monthly to plan training classes and other activities, and to work on building local CERT infrastructure like this website and a database of CERT volunteers.

For information about the Auxiliary and its activities, contact the Executive Director, Mary Edmund, at certauxiliary[at]gmail.com.


2020 Auxiliary Reorganization

In Fall of 2020, the Auxiliary Working Group approved a plan to organize the Auxiliary around the ICS (Incident Command System) structure. You can see the plan at

More about CERT and the Auxiliary

About CERT — Frequently Asked Questions

CERT Auxiliary Privacy Policy

CERT Operating Procedures and Activation Policy (Approved by the CERT Council 07/2024)

CERT Participation Levels (Approved by the Working Group 01/14/2023)

Disaster Service Worker (DSW) Guidelines

Documents from Auxiliary Working Group Meetings

Annual Reports