Local CERT Teams

In a large-scale disaster, professional emergency responders are likely to be overwhelmed for hours, days, or even longer. This may leave communities on their own for an extended period of time. CERT Teams work to educate our community about disaster preparedness, how to stay safe during an actual disaster, and how to come together safely and efficiently in the aftermath of a large scale emergency. If called upon, we are also trained to assist professional emergency responders on an as-needed basis.

Although this website covers CERT for Santa Cruz County, it is in local neighborhoods and communities where CERT will be called on. Here are local teams that have given us information:

  • Bonny Doon CERT
  • City of Santa Cruz CERT
  • Felton Area CERT
  • Aptos/La Selva CERT
    Aptos/La Selva CERT meets quarterly. Currently, meetings are virtual. Meeting agendas include guest speakers, discussions and activities focused on how to prepare for future activation events (disasters and community supports), and reports from past activations. In the event of an emergency, the command post will be at the Aptos Central Fire Station 1, 6934 Soquel Dr, Aptos. Contact Doreen O’Donovan aptoslaselvacert[at]gmail.com or (303) 931-4680.
  • Boulder Creek CERT
    Meets quarterly on the first Wednesday of the month, 7–8:30 pm at Boulder Creek Fire Dept, 13230 Highway 9 (Currently meeting in person and on Zoom). Next meetings Sept 4, Dec 4. Activities & drills may fall outside meeting times and will be announced. Contact: Eric Rubaker, erubaker[at]me.com for info and the Zoom link.
  • Live Oak CERT
    We meet the second Wednesday of every odd month (Jan/Mar/May/Jul/Sep/Nov) at 7:00 pm via Zoom until COVID restrictions are lifted, when we can return to meeting at Central Fire Station, 930 – 17th Av, Santa Cruz. Zoom information is sent to our mailing list. Email LO-CERT+owner[at]groups.io to contact us. CERT members can sign up for our mailing list at groups.io/g/LO-CERT or by emailing LO-CERT+subscribe[at]groups.io
  • Watsonville CERT
    Team leaders for Watsonville CERT are Bryan Shields and Rocio Navarro. Contact them at CERTWatsonville[at]gmail.com for more information.
  • Corralitos CERT
    Team leaders for the Corralitos Team are David Hong, CorralitosCERT[at]gmail.com, and Rich Robertson, richkeys1573[at]gmail.com. Contact them for more information.
  • South Skyline CERT
    The South Skyline Emergency Preparedness Organization (SSEPO) has created the South Skyline CERT Group. It is based at the Saratoga-Summit Cal Fire Station about one mile north of Hwy 9 on Skyline Blvd. We currently number 21 members, most of whom have been sworn in Santa Cruz County. Since our geographic area straddles Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and San Mateo Counties, a number of us are also sworn in San Mateo County. We share CERT Trainers and training exercises with the South Coast CERT Group based at the La Honda Fire Brigade. Our geographic area covers the Skyline Blvd area between La Honda Rd to the north and Bear Creek Rd to the south. Contacts: Jerry Parsons (jstanley7[at]aol.com), SSEPO President; Peggy Wargo (peggywargo.wargo1[at]gmail.com), South Skyline CERT Branch Leader
  • Rio Del Mar Flats CERT
    For information about the CERT team in Rio Del Mar Flats, contact Team Leaders Lori Nielsen, lorinielsen2000[at]yahoo.com, phone (510) 376-9097, or Dondi Gaskill, dondijg[at]ymail.com, phone (831) 685-9149.
  • Loma Prieta CERT
    For information about Loma Prieta CERT, contact Team Co-Leaders Lila Jones, lpcert.teamlead[at]gmail.com, phone (408) 313-5988, or Ann Scherer, (408) 483-2156, ascherer[at]lomaprietafire.org.