Dangers in Paradise Sign-Up How would you like to participate? I have taken the CERT training and would like to attend the Refresher at the Dangers in Paradise event on October 2. I would also like to attend the Muster (Training Exercise) in the afternoon. I would like to volunteer at the Dangers in Paradise event on October 2. My DSW badge expires this year. Please contact me with information about future re-certification classes. I would like to be kept informed about upcoming CERT events. Other request: Please tell us about yourself First Name (required) Last Name (required) Email Address (required) Phone (required) Mailing Address City (e.g., Aptos) ZIP Neighborhood (e.g., Seacliff) I have taken the CERT training Where? When? Is there anything else you want to tell us? ---------- Please answer the following to authenticate your message: Dallas is in what state?